“Crisis Leadership in the Next Normal”​ Explained

This is an exciting week, as I prepare for the Pre-Launch of my book A Test for Our Time: Crisis Leadership in the Next Normal. A book pre-launch is an opportunity for you to pre-order a copy of my book, join me on my author’s journey as I move into final editing and marketing, and celebrate … Read more

“A Test for Our Time”​ Explained

Monday Morning Motivations

This is an exciting week, as I prepare for the Pre-Order Launch of my book A Test for Our Time: Crisis Leadership in the Next Normal. A book Pre-Order Launch is an opportunity for you to pre-order a copy of my book, join me on my author’s journey as I move into final editing and marketing, … Read more

SCOTUS Case, Asian Americans, & Affirmative Action

The current U.S. Supreme Court case involving alleged discrimination at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina has the potential to upend decades of affirmative action policy. At issue is whether race can be used as a factor in college admissions, and the case could have a major impact on the way colleges across … Read more

Book Excerpt: Model Minority Myth

Here’s an excerpt from my new book (working title, due 2023), A Test for Our Time: Crisis Leadership in the Next Normal. It echoes this week’s theme about belonging: The model minority stereotype is a complicated one for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. On the one hand, it confirms the immigrant values of hard work, persistence, … Read more

TANGram: Super Mentors

Today, I pay tribute to my lifelong mentor, Dr. Arthur E. Humphrey, who turns 95 years old today. He was my PhD advisor back in 1982. Forty years later, I reflect on the profound impact that he’s had on my life. Without knowing it at the time, Arthur was to be one of my life’s … Read more

In the Room When It Happens

Monday Morning Motivations

In the song “Room When It Happens” from the Broadway show, Hamilton, the character Aaron Burr sings to the character Alexander Hamilton about how he feels like he’s never really belonged anywhere. He talks about how he grew up feeling like an outsider, and how even now as an adult, he still feels like he’s not … Read more

Cocoon: Aging Well

I was 24 years old when the movie “Cocoon” debuted in theaters in 1985. It’s a science fiction comedy-drama film that tells the story of a group of elderly people who regain their youth after swimming in a pool containing extraterrestrial cocoons. I recently re-experienced the film with the eyes and ears of a 62-year-old … Read more

Book Excerpt: Tension of Opposites

Here’s an excerpt from my new book (working title, due 2023), A Test for Our Time: Crisis Leadership in the Next Normal. It echoes this week’s theme about finding purpose and moving beyond the pandemic: In his book Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom discusses the importance of learning to deal with opposing concepts and scenarios. He describes it … Read more

COVID Has Changed Us

It’s been over two and a half years since the pandemic started, and we’re all feeling its effects in different ways. For some of us, it’s been a time of reflection and growth, while for others it’s been a time of anxiety and depression. But one thing that we can all agree on is that … Read more