Guest Lecture with Emerging Leaders

On July 4th, I chose brainstorms over fireworks with some remarkable people. 55 Global Villagers from 35 countries represent our emerging leaders in this prestigious Iacocca Institute at Lehigh University summer program. My guest lecture and workshop was on Pivoting Strategy in Volatile Times, with lessons from my book “A Test for Our Time: Crisis Leadership in … Read more

Lehigh Names New Trustees

As a graduate school alumnus of Lehigh University, I am honored and delighted to begin my service to the Board of Trustees. Four new board members began their terms July 1. On July 1, 2023, Lehigh University named four new members to the Board of Trustees, reappointed one trustee, appointed a new emeritus trustee, and honored … Read more

Tragic Optimism vs. Toxic Positivity

When it comes to facing difficult times, Viktor Frankl taught us about the important contrast between toxic positivity and tragic optimism. Toxic positivity is a superficial, overly optimistic attitude that disregards people’s genuine negative emotions. It encourages “positive thinking” without considering the way individuals really feel when tackling challenging situations. This approach can prevent us … Read more

How To Navigate (Another) Year of Uncertainty

As we move into 2023, society continues to experience new norms. From the pandemic to the economy, labor shortages to layoffs, there’s a lot to contend with. How does all of this affect the world of business? More importantly, how does it affect your talent?  Leaders of all levels are tasked with tackling these issues head-on … Read more

TANGram: Super Mentors

Today, I pay tribute to my lifelong mentor, Dr. Arthur E. Humphrey, who turns 95 years old today. He was my PhD advisor back in 1982. Forty years later, I reflect on the profound impact that he’s had on my life. Without knowing it at the time, Arthur was to be one of my life’s … Read more