This is an exciting week, as I prepare for the Pre-Launch of my book A Test for Our Time: Crisis Leadership in the Next Normal. A book pre-launch is an opportunity for you to pre-order a copy of my book, join me on my author’s journey as I move into final editing and marketing, and celebrate with me at a launch event upon publishing in March/April 2023. Look for more information in separate postings.
Throughout this week, I also share the meaning of the book’s title and subtitle. Today, I’ll explain the subtitle, Crisis Leadership in the Next Normal, through a Chinese proverb and a quote from a Danish physicist:
“A crisis is an opportunity riding a dangerous wind.” This Chinese proverb is often used to describe how a crisis can be seen as an opportunity. This is because, during a crisis, there is often a lot of change and upheaval, which can create opportunities for those who can take advantage of them. This proverb reminds us that we should always be on the lookout for opportunities, even in the midst of a crisis. This proverb can be traced back to an ancient Chinese text called the I Ching, or the Book of Changes. It is still relevant today, as we often face crises in our lives. Whether it’s a personal crisis, such as the loss of a job, or a global crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, we can all find opportunities amid these difficulties. We just need to be on the lookout for them.
“An unlikely event is likely to happen because there are so many unlikely events that could happen.” In Danish physicist Per Bak’s quote, he states that an unlikely event is likely to happen because there are so many unlikely events that could happen. This is because there are an infinite number of potential events that could occur, no matter how unlikely they may be. Even if the chances of any one particular event happening may be extremely low, the sheer number of potential events means that at least some of them are bound to occur. Due to the interplay of climate change, viruses that jump between species, geopolitical strife, technological advances, and social upheaval, we now live in a predictably unpredictable world.
“The next normal” refers to the new normal that will emerge after the COVID-19 pandemic which accounts for that unpredictability. It is still unclear what exactly this new normal will look like, but it is likely to be a period of significant change and adjustment for individuals, businesses, and society as a whole. It could make the current and past normal unrecognizable. Some of the possible changes that could occur include a shift to remote work, a decrease in international travel, the catalytic role of social media, and an increase in online commerce. It is important to be prepared for these changes in a predictably unpredictable world to embrace the next normal when it arrives.
#ATestForOurTime #CrisisLeadership #NextNormal #IChing #PerBak #PredictablyUnpredictabl