Monday Morning Motivations

Find Your True North

Stephen Tang

In his book, True North, Bill George provides a framework for people to find their unique path to leadership. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity and staying true to oneself to be an effective leader. George also discusses the need for leaders to have a clear sense of purpose and to be able to articulate it in a way that inspires others. In the 2022 edition of his book, he expands on these concepts and provides additional insights into how leaders can create lasting change in their organizations. George provides readers with a roadmap for finding their true north and becoming the best leaders they can be.

He advises leaders to focus on creating a shared purpose for their organizations and to ensure that everyone is aligned with that purpose. He also advises leaders to focus on developing relationships of trust and respect with their employees and to create an environment where everyone can learn and grow. Finally, he advises leaders to focus on making a positive difference in the world.

I’ve been a student of Bill George’s leadership approach for years. Because he is also a former Chairman and CEO in the life science industry, his work has a particularly strong meaning to me. I also had the pleasure and honor to meet him at the first Mindful Leadership Summit in 2010. I found him to be an authentic, wise, and humble person. Suffice it to say that I highly recommend True North as a compass for more effective leaders and their organizations.

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