Being Human in an AI World
Generative AI is a powerful new technology that’s rapidly developing and becoming more pervasive in our daily lives. It has the potential to solve many problems, from improving medical diagnosis to forecasting market trends for business decision-making. While it will be used for practical purposes, it also presents a much deeper philosophical question: what does … Read more

Three Paths to Wisdom
The Chinese philosopher Confucius once said, “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” This quote perfectly sums up what my new book “A Test for Our Time: Crisis Leadership in the Next Normal” is all … Read more

Embrace the Suck!
It was an absolute delight to connect with Michael Gingerich and Tom Kaden, the two wonderful hosts of “Someone To Tell It To.” I am so thankful for our mutual friend Brian Duke for introducing us. I truly valued hearing about their spiritual paths and their faith journeys, just as much as I enjoyed sharing my own. It was a … Read more

Change is Permanent. So What Do We Do?
I used to think that things were meant to be permanent and change was just temporary. Now I know that change is permanent and things are temporary. Then came three years of the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a stark reminder of the impermanence of life and how quickly things can change. We have … Read more

What’s Your Story?
I’m often asked what inspired me to write my book, “A Test for Our Time: Crisis Leadership in the Next Normal”. When it comes down to it, I wanted to share a message of hope and optimism; that even when we face tough challenges, there is still joy and human goodness to be found. As … Read more

Beyond “Pity City” to Wholehearted Leadership
It’s time to think about the type of leader you want to be. Recently, a CEO went viral for all the wrong reasons. During an online Q&A session with her employees, she made a comment about “Pity City” that was viewed as insensitive and dismissive. Let this be a cautionary tale to us all: Wholehearted … Read more

Tragic Optimism vs. Toxic Positivity
When it comes to facing difficult times, Viktor Frankl taught us about the important contrast between toxic positivity and tragic optimism. Toxic positivity is a superficial, overly optimistic attitude that disregards people’s genuine negative emotions. It encourages “positive thinking” without considering the way individuals really feel when tackling challenging situations. This approach can prevent us … Read more

Live Together the Impossible Dream
Saturday evening, my wife and I were honored and delighted to attend a gala celebrating the 25th year of the Zoellner Arts Center at Lehigh University—my graduate school alma mater. It was a special moment because no galas were held since 2019 because of the coronavirus pandemic. No doubt the past three years have been … Read more